
She Exposed Her Cousin For Trying To Scam $5,000 Out Of People Online By Using Her Pregnancy To Gain Sympathy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman has a 21-year-old cousin named Amanda, and back in September, Amanda met her 19-year-old baby daddy Cody.

Amanda only knew Cody for two days before moving in with him. They had their own apartment for three months but didn’t pay the rent for the majority of their time there.

“During these months, Amanda was also living off of the money family and family friends would loan her with the promise of paying it back,” she explained.

“Instead of paying them back, she prioritized getting her nails done, going to the salon, and buying other non-essentials (she also used the money that was loaned to her to buy these things instead of food, gas, or other essentials that she claimed she needed to buy.)”

Amanda and Cody were told they were getting evicted from their apartment unless they paid the money they owed to their landlord.

The young couple then learned that Amanda was pregnant, so they left their apartment and belongings behind and moved in with Cody’s family.

Well, Amanda and Cody didn’t live in the house; they lived in a camper outside, and Amanda wasn’t permitted inside unless someone was home and there with her.

Amanda still failed to get a job and waited for Cody to come home from work to do all of the chores around the camper.

Back in May, Amanda and Cody moved in with Amanda’s parents and said they would be working on getting their lives together. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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