
She Excluded Her Friend From A Dinner Party After She Shamed Her For Having Her Cat In The Kitchen While Cooking

She made a whole bunch of food, invited over her friends, and had a wonderful time. However, she chose to exclude Rose from her dinner party.

After her other friends posted photos of her party on social media, Rose obviously learned that she wasn’t invited to the event.

Rose confronted her and accused her of “giving high school mean girl vibes” for not inviting her over with everyone else.

She outlined to Rose that she clearly doesn’t like to eat at the houses of cat owners, so that’s why she didn’t ask her to attend the evening.

“She got defensive and said that she could have just come and not eaten anything,” she continued.

“I said that in the future, maybe she should be more careful about what she says because, to me, it was very clear.”

“Rose has continued to tell people I’m giving “high school mean girl to nurse pipeline” (I’m an accountant) and all that.”

She’s curious if she really was rude for not inviting Rose to her dinner party.

What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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