
She Drunkenly Slept With Her Ex-Husband And Said It Was A Mistake The Next Morning, So He’s Been Accusing Her Of Using Him

“And I made the mistake of letting him come over,” she revealed.

So, they wound up sleeping together. But, once she was sober the next morning, she made it clear to her ex that it was a big mistake and she shouldn’t have gotten so drunk.

Well, ever since that night, her ex keeps throwing what she said in her face and accusing her of “leading him on.” Her ex also believes that she used him, even though she clarified how she wasn’t even the one who invited him over.

In fact, it was actually her ex who asked to go over to her house. She claimed that she also tried to tell him no multiple times, but eventually, she gave in. So, in her mind, her ex made the choice to sleep with her.

“And I get that I shouldn’t have slept with him, but it’s annoying for him to make me feel bad about it months later still,” she vented.

Just the other day, she finally had enough of hearing it, too. That’s why she finally told her ex-husband that their entire marriage was a mistake. Plus, she said that she wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

If you couldn’t have guessed, this only made her ex more angry, too, and he called her a jerk. She also realizes that she might have been too harsh.

So now, she’s not sure if lashing out and telling her ex-husband that he and their whole marriage was a mistake really did make her a jerk.

Do you think she was too harsh on her ex? Or does it sound like he was gaslighting her for months? What would you have done? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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