
She Chose To Enforce The Infidelity Clause In Her Prenup After Her Husband Cheated On Her, Meaning He Now Stands To Lose A Lot Of Money And Assets

However, the judge working on their divorce went ahead and ruled that the prenup would be followed.

Since that hearing, her ex-husband’s family has been harassing her, telling her she’s a cold-hearted woman who was using his “mistake” as a reason to take all of his money.

She found this to be ridiculous, considering her ex actively chose to cheat on her, and she’s worked extremely hard to make her own money over the last few years.

“By enforcing the clause, he stands to lose a considerable amount of money and assets,” she explained.

“I understand that this will significantly impact his life, but I also feel that actions have consequences. Cheating is a serious betrayal, and the clause was there to protect me from exactly this situation.”

Many people in her life are torn on the situation – some believe she was right to ensure the cheating clause was enforced, as her ex did something terrible. Others believe she’s being too harsh by enforcing this clause, as it will change his life drastically, and she makes enough money to support herself.

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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