
She Chose To Enforce The Infidelity Clause In Her Prenup After Her Husband Cheated On Her, Meaning He Now Stands To Lose A Lot Of Money And Assets

JenkoAtaman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Do you know anyone who signed a prenup before getting married and, when they got divorced, regretted agreeing to a few of the clauses?

One woman is feeling a bit guilty for enforcing a rule in her prenup that would lose her soon-to-be ex-husband, who cheated on her, a lot of money.

She’s 29 and was married to her 34-year-old husband for four years. Unfortunately, they are in the process of getting a divorce because last year, she found out he was having an affair with one of his colleagues.

She found out in a shocking way, as her husband’s affair partner sent her a message telling her he was in love with her and she was selfish for not divorcing him.

When she confronted her husband, he was very apologetic and begged her to forgive him, but she couldn’t.

Now, their divorce process is getting a bit messy, as they were forced to address one of the clauses in the prenuptial agreement they signed before getting married.

“One of the clauses stated that if either party cheated, they would forfeit their right to a substantial portion of our shared assets,” she said.

“At the time, my husband made more than me because I was still working on my master’s degree. As we started the divorce proceedings, I brought up the cheating clause in our prenup. My husband was shocked and tried to convince me to overlook it.”

Her husband told her that if she followed through and enforced that clause in their prenup, it would be extremely vindictive, as he would lose a lot of money and financial stability.

JenkoAtaman – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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