
She Called Her Mother-In-Law Uneducated On Nutrition And Kicked Her Out After Her Mother-In-Law Started Criticizing The Pasta She Cooked Her Son For Dinner

Maria Sbytova - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re a parent, it can be really annoying to be judged for the food you’re feeding your kid. Every kid is different. Some kids have certain food restrictions, and at the end of the day, being able to feed your kid at all is a victory.

One woman recently snapped at her mother-in-law after she gave her grief for giving her son a meal without meat in it one night for dinner.

She and her husband have an 18-month-old son, and she’s pregnant with their second child. They live in a major city, and her husband’s mom lives about 45 minutes away from them.

Her mother-in-law has a doctor near their home, so every time she has an appointment, she likes to spend the night with them afterward so as not to go home in rush hour traffic. It’s also nice because she gets to visit her grandson.

However, a recent visit from her mother-in-law has made her not want to invite her back.

Her mother-in-law was at her house just before dinnertime as she had a doctor’s appointment earlier that day.

“I was just about done cooking dinner [and] my husband was at the gym,” she recalled.

“I felt absolutely exhausted from pregnancy and chasing my toddler around all day. We were running low on groceries, so I was planning to make a really easy dinner of spaghetti with frozen meatballs. But when I went to start cooking, I realized we were out of the meatballs. It was too late to go to the store to get something else to make; my kid was already acting hungry, and I was starving and exhausted. So I just thought we [didn’t] need to have protein with every single meal and made the pasta without meatballs.”

When she gave her son a plate of pasta, her mother-in-law began giving her some attitude, implying that a plate of pasta wasn’t enough to satisfy him. She explained the grocery situation to her mother-in-law, hoping she’d understand and leave her alone, but unfortunately, she continued to nag.

Maria Sbytova – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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