Categories: Relationships

She Called Her Fiancé A Baby Because He Constantly Tries To Guilt-Trip Her Whenever She Has To Go Out And Leave Him Alone With Their Child

Katharina Buczek

“His friends and family think I’m this dismissive person who doesn’t care about him and treats him horribly when that’s not the case at all,” she vented.

“And I end up taking our child with me to places that I usually wouldn’t bring him just to avoid the drama.”

Still, she now can’t help but wonder if calling her fiancé a baby was justified given his behavior or just made her a jerk.

Shouldn’t fathers be okay with being alone with their own children? Do you agree that her fiancé is acting like a big baby? How would you have handled this frustrating situation? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Published by
Katharina Buczek

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