Categories: Relationships

She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Because He Ignored Her Medical Emergency, Refused To Take Her To The Hospital, And Didn’t Even Visit Her Once She Was Eventually Admitted

Chip Chick

There are few things more frustrating than suffering from a medical emergency and not having anyone believe you or offer to help you.

One woman recently broke up with her boyfriend after he refused to call an ambulance when she was sick, and he never visited her in the hospital when it turned out to be a medical emergency.

She’s 25 and was in a two-year relationship with her 27-year-old ex-boyfriend. He was her first serious boyfriend, and things went really well for a while.

Then, one day, everything changed.

“Something happened recently that made me question everything,” she said.

“About two months ago, I started feeling severe abdominal pain while we were at his apartment. The pain became so intense that I could hardly move or speak. I told my boyfriend that I needed to go to the hospital because something felt very wrong. He dismissed my concerns, saying I was overreacting and that it was probably just something I ate.”

As the day progressed, she felt worse and worse and started begging her boyfriend to take her to the emergency room or call an ambulance. He refused, even though she began throwing up and crying. After hours of no help from him, she eventually called one of her friends, who immediately took her to the hospital.

When she got there, doctors ran tests, and she found out she had pancreatitis, which needed immediate medical treatment. Her doctors told her that she could have been in serious danger if she had waited any longer to get to the hospital, and she had to stay there for three weeks.

Her boyfriend had the chance to redeem himself while she was hospitalized, but he didn’t.

Yaroslav Astakhov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Chip Chick

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