
She Broke Up With Her Boyfriend Because He Ignored Her Medical Emergency, Refused To Take Her To The Hospital, And Didn’t Even Visit Her Once She Was Eventually Admitted

“My friend stayed with me the entire time, but my boyfriend didn’t even check in to see how I was doing until the next day,” she recalled.

“He sent a brief text saying he hoped I was feeling better. I was in the hospital for three weeks [but] he didn’t even bother to see me. When I confronted him about his lack of support and concern, he got defensive and said I was being dramatic and that he didn’t think it was that serious.”

Then, her boyfriend had the audacity to get angry with her and accused her of making him look bad in front of her friends.

This was the final straw for her, as she felt extremely unsupported and hurt by her boyfriend’s lack of sympathy.

“I decided to break up with him because I can’t be with someone who doesn’t take my health seriously or support me in an emergency,” she added.

“Now, after we’ve been apart for a few weeks, some of our mutual friends are saying I overreacted and that he just made a mistake.”

Did she overreact, or was she right to break up with her boyfriend?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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