
She Asked Her Husband Not To Tell His Single Female Friend That He Loves Her Whenever They Talk On The Phone

“As much as I know there is nothing between them, it hurts me,” she admitted.

She finds it endearing when her husband says “love you” to children or other older family members. But, she doesn’t think it’s appropriate to say it to a non-family member who’s the same age and opposite gender.

So, she wound up confronting her husband about it and asking him not to tell his female friend that he loves her anymore.

“We had a mini fight about it,” she vented, “But we are back to our usual selves now.”

Still, she can’t help but wonder if asking her husband not to say “love you” to his female friend anymore was really so unreasonable.

Do you agree that saying “love you” should be reserved for romantic partners and family members only? Or can you also love friends, even of another gender? Was she in the wrong or not?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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