
She Actually Objected At Her Mom’s Wedding And Made Her Cry As She Read A Speech On Why Her Mom And Fiancé Aren’t Right For Each Other

“We did family therapy, but I’m still afraid of him. After the incident, their relationship was considerably more strained, and they fought about everything.”

“I would hear him scolding her about her forgetfulness and [him] telling her she wasn’t useful enough around the house. She confessed to me that she felt like a useless housewife, completely inadequate compared to him. It revolted me.”

She was so confused about why her mom was letting Joe walk all over her, and she became even more confused when her mom announced she would marry him a while back.

She debated whether or not she should go to the wedding for a while, but her mom begged her to go. That’s when she knew she’d have to say something during the ceremony to get her mom to see clearly.

“When the minister asked if anybody objected to their marriage, I stood up and read the short speech I had prepared on why I thought she and Joe weren’t right for each other,” she recalled.

“Everybody fell quiet, and my mom burst into tears at the altar, asking me why I couldn’t just be happy for her and support her. But I couldn’t let her marry him after everything that had happened.”

Was it a bad idea to publicly call out her mom, or was it the right thing to do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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