
She Actually Objected At Her Mom’s Wedding And Made Her Cry As She Read A Speech On Why Her Mom And Fiancé Aren’t Right For Each Other

IVASHstudio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever heard anyone actually “object” during a wedding ceremony for one reason or another?

One teenager recently objected to her mom’s recent marriage to her new stepdad because she was abused by him and couldn’t stand him.

She’s 19-years-old, and her mom is 48. Her parents divorced 14 years ago, which she later discovered happened because her mom was cheating on her dad with her boyfriend, Joe.

“To make things worse, Joe is also her boss at the law firm they work [for],” she explained.

“So, when she introduced me to him for the first time, I wasn’t his biggest fan. However, to my surprise, I grew to like him as we spent more time together. I thought he and my mom seemed to work well together despite their rocky start. But that all changed one night when I got into a fight with my mom.”

That night, she and her mom were arguing like a typical mom and angsty teenager. The fight began to escalate a bit, and when she went to throw her hands up in frustration, she felt Joe physically grab her and pull her away from her mom.

Frightened, she began slapping at Joe’s arms, which resulted in him putting her in a chokehold-like position. Her mom screamed for him to stop, and when he finally released her, she ran away and called the police.

Somehow, her mom decided to stay with Joe despite that awful night. She decided to move in with her dad full-time and tried to press charges against Joe. However, because her mom defended Joe’s honor, the charges were dropped. 

“I was forced to move back to my mom’s half-time,” she said.

IVASHstudio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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