
On Her Wedding Day, Her Mom Laughed At Her Dress And Nearly Made Her Cry

“I had just put on my wedding dress and felt very emotional looking at myself in it,” she said. “My bridesmaids were very complimentary of it, and it was a special moment between all of us.”

“Just then, my mom arrived and actually started to laugh when she saw me. Everyone kind of went silent out of shock, and I asked her what was wrong. She just replied with, “What? It’s the first time I’m seeing it!” and walked off, leaving me feeling crushed that she’d laugh at me.”

“My bridesmaids built me back up and I brushed it aside, and I ended up having a lovely wedding. My brothers walked me down the aisle as I’d wanted, and it was so special getting married to my best friend.”

Things only spiraled further out of control when it came time to take the photos. The photographer tried to take a photo of her and her mom together, and her mom made a handful of remarks about not getting to walk her down the aisle.

She felt puzzled over her mom’s displeasure, as her mom made it clear to her that she wasn’t interested in anything having to do with her special day.

She was about to mention that to her mom when her mom looked at her and laughed once more over her dress.

Her mom then said to her, “Really…that dress?” Then, the photographer snapped their photo, and in it, she looks like she’s about to start crying.

“Perhaps I should’ve confronted her then and there, but I just wanted to salvage as much happiness as I could for my wedding day,” she continued.

“A day or so later, however, I told my husband and brothers. They were all shocked and sided with me, asking my mom why she’d said what she said. My mom apparently said she just hadn’t liked my dress and thought I was overreacting. She refused to say sorry, and since then, we haven’t spoken, but she’s badmouthing me.”

“On Monday, we’re going on our honeymoon, and I’m wondering if I should confront my mom about this before then or if there isn’t any point and I should move past it. Even if I do say something, what could it be that would get through to her that I’m hurt?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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