
Intuition Is Your Brain’s Real-Life Superpower, So You Should Trust It

If you’ve ever experienced these things, it was likely because your intuition was functioning properly and doing its job.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older, it’s that you should never regret trusting your instincts. Let’s say you get invited to a party, but it’s in a sketchy part of town and takes place late at night.

Your head may tell you to go for one reason or another, but you have that gut feeling that tells you to turn down the invite, so you don’t go.

Then, you later find out that something bad happened at the party. Would you regret not going? No, you would be glad you trusted your intuition.

Nothing bad may happen in some cases, and you may think you were silly for following your intuition.

But my advice is, don’t! It’s always better to be safe than sorry, and you shouldn’t participate in something or go somewhere if your body is physically turning you against it.

Have you ever been in a situation where your intuition stopped you from doing something dangerous?

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