
Infidelity Has Become Normalized In Her Family And She Doesn’t Want That Energy At Her Wedding, So She’s Thinking Of Excluding Family Members Who Have Cheated On Their Partners

Thinking about her wedding, she’s not sure she’d be happy with any of her dad’s relatives attending.

The thought of them boasting about their current relationships and bashing the partners of their pasts during a day that’s supposed to be dedicated to her love makes her cringe.

“I want to invite my other family members from that side so the cheaters would be sort of signaled out and uninvited,” she explained.

“I probably wouldn’t tell them they were uninvited because of their infidelity, but they’d be a random six people to leave out if they didn’t put together the dots.”

What would you do if you were in her position?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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