
How To Master The Art Of Constructively Disagreeing With Someone So Situations Don’t End In Screaming Matches

Setting the intention can help you and the person you’re speaking to keep the peace.
You should also be prepared to listen to the person opposing you, especially if they’re important to you.

Use important listening skills, including eye contact, eliminating distractions, and asking them to clarify when needed.

Finally, be prepared to accept that some people are so grounded in their beliefs that they will not change.

You simply have to consider if your disagreement is worth losing someone you care about. Or, if it’s someone you don’t care about, perhaps the disagreement is worth calling it quits.

Again, disagreeing with someone is uncomfortable, and it’s not fun in any way. However, you’re bound to have a little more peace in your life if you strive to disagree more constructively.

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