
His Wife Started Crying When He Told Her He Brought The Cat She Adopted Without His Permission To A Shelter

KDdesignphoto - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

For five years now, this 34-year-old man has been married to his 33-year-old wife. Back when they tied the knot, he had one dog, and his wife had one cat.

They have gone on to get another dog and two cats from a local animal rescue. His dog is beginning to grow older and has a couple of health problems.

Two of their cats additionally have some challenges with their health. While the conditions are not life-threatening, these two cats need special care and medication.

“The last cat we got was one that my wife brought home on her own after visiting the rescue agency about an unrelated question,” he explained.

“She saw the cat and “just had to bring her home.” This was about 6 months ago. I told her at the time that bringing home animals needs to be something we discuss together beforehand.”

“We already have pets with health issues, and bringing strange animals into their home isn’t a good idea. She apologized and agreed that any future pets would be discussed and agreed upon beforehand.”

He let his wife know that if she adopted another animal without his permission again, he would take that animal directly to a shelter.

A week ago, he was running some errands while on his lunch break and quickly stopped at their house.

When he walked in the door, he heard a weak meowing sound, and he initially figured one of their cats had gotten stuck.

KDdesignphoto – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

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