
His Wife Had An Affair With Her Boss But Won’t Quit Her Job

His wife also admitted that she’s not positive about their marriage, even though she’s been pretending everything is great.

They have since gone to therapy together, and their therapist has said they need to create some requirements to heal and move on.

He has asked his wife to quit her job, as he feels uneasy about her working with her boss, but his wife is refusing to do so.

His wife argued that she doesn’t want to quit and risk being put in a bad situation again, with the potential that he leaves her and she’s unemployed.

He just feels sick to his stomach that his wife won’t give up her job, which is his one requirement for him to forgive her.

“I want to fix this, but not at any cost,” he continued. “I think a lot about the kids and that I want to give her another chance for them to be able to have one family.”

“Do you think it’s possible to forgive and forget in this situation? I don’t know, everything hurts; I feel lost and sad.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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