
His Wife Had An Affair With Her Boss But Won’t Quit Her Job

Jordi - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Eleven years ago, this 30-year-old man met his 38-year-old wife, and they have two kids together who are six and two.

He knows that they have had a tough marriage due to many things outside of their control. They each come from very damaged families and have had to spend a lot of time helping their loved ones to the detriment of their marriage.

His wife has also struggled with health issues during each of her pregnancies, and she battled postpartum depression after giving birth to their firstborn.

After his wife had their first child, she resigned from her job and studied for the following year, which he supported.

But then his wife had a difficult time trying to find a new job, so she was unemployed until after she got pregnant with their second child.

As this was all going on, he felt stressed out handling their finances and caring for their home by himself.

“Our romantic life was almost non-existent, and I felt like we were just 2 grownups living together with kids, nothing more,” he explained.

Two summers ago, he left his wife as he couldn’t picture a future with her. His wife failed to see why he asked for a separation, and he felt too broken to try to give their marriage another go.

He hoped that leaving would give them the opportunity to work on themselves and maybe find their way back to one another in the end.

Jordi – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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