
His Wife Had A Mini Mental Breakdown And Cheated, So Now He’s Scared He Will Never Feel The Same About Her Again

GTeam - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man considered his wife to be the only human being on this planet he could let his walls down for.

She’s always been the one he wanted to spend his time with and the only person he trusted implicitly. He thought they had a special bond.

But then his wife recently took a trip for work to some place literally in the middle of nowhere. While his wife was on that trip, she slept with a guy she didn’t know well at all.

“It was basically for no reason – she had a miniature mental breakdown and just did it,” he explained.

“She told me about it like a month after it happened. I believe she’s actually sorry, and I believe she’d take it back if she could, but I don’t know if it’s too late or not.”

“There’s this sucking, hollow hole in me now, and I’m just different. I’m never that far away from crying; I’m nastier and angrier, and the worst part is I’m afraid I’ll never feel the same about her.”

He feels like a complete fool. He would get asked by people in his life if he ever got concerned about his wife cheating on work trips, but he maintained that he trusted her. Now, he knows that it was silly to trust his wife.

He works in a super masculine industry, and his coworkers always seem like they manage what their wives do, while he’s been the only one who doesn’t micromanage his wife’s every move.

If he tells anyone about his wife’s infidelity, he thinks they will simply say they warned him about her work trips.

GTeam – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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