Categories: Relationships

His Wife Falsely Accused Their Friend Of Having An Affair With Him, So He Wants To Apologize To This Woman

Bre Avery Zacharski

This 39-year-old man and his 35-year-old wife have a 40-year-old female friend with whom they both spend a lot of time.

At first, their friend was his wife’s friend, and she’s divorced. But over the last year, he’s gotten quite close with this woman, too.

However, he’s never hung out with this woman without his wife present, and their relationship is purely platonic.

He has never been romantic or flirty with their friend, as he’s not interested in her like that.

“Recently our friend reached out to me about a job opportunity that is in my area of passion as currently I am working in a job I don’t necessarily love,” he explained.

“Because of this, I’ve had more text coversations with the friend than normal. Specifically, when she first let me know about the opportunity, it was in a group message with my wife and my responses were very excited and thanking her for getting me an “in” with this job.”

“My wife started texting me outside the group message that her friend is obviously the person I’m in love with since I was replying to the friend’s texts about the job and had ignored what my wife had texted me separately (I honestly didn’t see my wife’s text).”

His wife figured he was intentionally ignoring her, so she instantly jumped to accusing their friend of trying to take him away.

Later on, his wife told him she was going to tell their friend to never speak to them again, given her homewrecker status.

AS Photo Family – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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Bre Avery Zacharski

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