
His Wife And Her Parents Flipped Out And Wrongly Accused Him Of Cheating With His Sister-In-Law

Then, he encouraged everyone to ask his niece in person why she drew the picture.

“[She said] she drew it because she wanted my wife’s sister and me to be together,” he recalled.

“When my wife asked if she had seen us [kissing], she said no. I was angry [with] my wife because she wouldn’t trust me [and] a drawing made her feel threatened.”

It’s been over a week since the drawing incident, and while his wife has moved on, he hasn’t. He’s so hurt that she would accuse him of doing something that awful based on a kid’s drawing and has been rejecting her romantic advances.

His wife is now angry with him for being cold toward her, and he’s wondering if he’s in the wrong.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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