
His Wife Accused Him Of Cheating And Punched Him In The Face After Seeing A Woman’s Contact In His Phone, But It Was Just His Cousin, So He’s Now Divorcing Her

Jelena - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old man recently married his wife, who is 32, and he has an 11-year-old son from a previous relationship. And while everything was fine in their relationship, it all went downhill yesterday as soon as he returned home.

It all began when he pulled into the driveway, and his wife apparently walked out of their house and began screaming at him – accusing him of being a cheater, even though he hadn’t been unfaithful.

He came to realize that, before leaving, he’d accidentally left his phone at home. Then, while he was gone, his wife saw he had a contact for a woman named Amanda. There was also a red heart next to Amanda’s name.

However, he swears that Amanda is just his cousin – who he happens to be very close to. His wife doesn’t know Amanda, though, since most of his dad’s side of the family are jerks, and he’s never introduced his wife to them.

“So, she has never met Amanda before. Also, we were just recently married,” he explained.

Anyway, he tried to explain how that was just his cousin. Still, his wife would not believe a single word he said.

That’s why he wound up sleeping in a hotel that evening to prevent the situation from escalating further. Yet, when he returned to their house, things only got worse.

As soon as he went back home, his wife actually punched him in the face! At that point, he was done and drew a line in the sand.

“If you’re gonna attack me over my own blood, then I’m leaving and taking our son,” he said.

Jelena – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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