
His Mom Is Pressuring Him To Edit His Stepson Out Of Their Big Family Photo Because She Wanted A Pure Picture And Thinks He’s Not Really Family

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man is currently married, and he and his wife have their own children together. But his wife also has a son from her previous marriage.

So, when they all took a big family photo recently, his mother sparked some drama over their blended family.

According to him, everyone looked great in the family pictures, and he thought it went well. He also believed it was only right to include his stepson in the photos.

Yet, after they actually got the pictures back, his own mother began demanding that he edit his stepson out of the images. Why? Well, she claimed that his stepson was “not really family.”

As you can probably imagine, this made him seriously angry. He also told his mother no and refused to do such a thing.

Well, his mother wouldn’t back down and claimed that since he and his wife have their own biological kids together, she wanted to have a “pure” family photo.

“Like, what the [heck] does that even mean?” he asked.

“My stepson is a part of our family, and it feels so wrong to exclude him.”

His wife heard about what happened, too, and obviously, the whole situation made her really upset.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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