
His Late Wife’s Mother Is Pressuring Him To Leave An Empty Chair In Honor Of His Late Wife At His Second Wedding, But The Idea Makes Him Really Uncomfortable

“We pay per seat [and] each chair we put up is charged as if it were a person as if someone was really present,” he explained.

“Honestly, I am quite tight financially on the wedding, so I think it would be a waste of money on something symbolic because If I do that for her, I also have to do that for all the members of my family who died.”

Instead of dwelling too much on the past and having the sort of depressing symbol at his wedding, he’d rather keep the atmosphere fun and joyful for his future wife. He suggested to his mom that if someone wanted to pay to keep the chair open, they could, but he isn’t really comfortable with the idea in general.

Now, he’s unsure what to do, as his in-laws and relatives are making him feel guilty for not having some sort of special tribute for his late wife at his wedding.

What would you do if you were him?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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