
His Fiancée Said She Was On A Work Trip, But She’s Actually On A Romantic Vacation With Her Affair Partner

icemanphotos - - illustrative purposes only

Three days ago, this 36-year-old man’s 34-year-old fiancée left to go on what she claimed was a work trip.

Well, he sadly found out that his fiancée lied to him, and she’s actually on a romantic vacation with her affair partner.

“They are 2,000 miles away in a different country and staying at a luxury hotel together,” he explained.

“She has absolutely no idea that I know, and we have been communicating as if everything is normal.”

“I had a weird feeling something was going on recently, and she made some mistakes in hiding her infidelity. I just found out 2 days ago.”

In five days, his fiancée is set to come back home, and he wants to play it like he doesn’t have a clue about what she’s really up to.

Meanwhile, he’s going to spend the next couple of days packing up all of his belongings so his fiancée comes home to a completely empty place.

Thankfully, he has a place he can move right into, but he and his fiancée are currently renting an apartment that they share.

He’s going to let his apartment building know that he’s leaving, but he’s unsure of what else he should do to manage this sticky situation.

icemanphotos – – illustrative purposes only

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