
He’s Finally Able To Go On His Dream Cruise Alone, But His Girlfriend Thinks He’s Being Selfish And Prioritizing Himself

“And I said it would just likely be once for three to four nights as I would not be able to afford three holidays abroad,” he recalled.

Well, she didn’t take that answer well and actually accused him of prioritizing himself over their relationship by planning his dream cruise. In his girlfriend’s mind, his cruise will be taking time away from their vacation together since they wouldn’t be able to go away for a full week.

He reiterated how his girlfriend was more than welcome to join him on the cruise. That way, they’d get to spend more vacation time together. Nonetheless, she just refused and told him he shouldn’t be going away on a vacation by himself.

“I mentioned that she is free to go away on her own or with friends if she wants another holiday, but there is nothing wrong with me treating myself,” he vented.

Still, his girlfriend just called him selfish and believes he’s being inconsiderate.

So now, he’s not sure if planning a solo cruise really does make him a jerk.

Is it his fault that his girlfriend doesn’t want to join him on the cruise? Is he in the wrong for wanting to go on this trip? What should he do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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