
He’s Finally Able To Go On His Dream Cruise Alone, But His Girlfriend Thinks He’s Being Selfish And Prioritizing Himself - - illustrative purposes only

This man from the UK has always dreamed of going on a cruise but never had the opportunity in the past.

“The idea of just being at sea and of visiting a few places on holiday just really appeals to me,” he said.

However, he’s currently in a relationship, and his girlfriend just doesn’t share the same interest in cruises. In fact, she flat-out told him that she’d never go on one because she hated the idea of being stuck on a boat for days.

More recently, though, he realized he finally had a chance to fulfill his dream and go on a cruise of his own.

For some context, he is currently studying in a program through his job, and his exams will end next year. Once he completes them, he will also earn a promotion at work.

So, he decided that would be the perfect time to treat himself to a cruise and began looking at trip options for next year.

But, when he mentioned his plans to his girlfriend, she became upset and asked what would happen to their vacation together next summer.

He detailed how he was planning to take his cruise in either the spring or the summer. Then, they could plan their trip together for either the summer or early fall. He also claimed he’d be happy to switch the order of the trips, depending on what his girlfriend wanted.

Still, that explanation didn’t satisfy her, and she kept asking questions – more specifically, whether or not they’d be traveling together once or twice next year. – – illustrative purposes only

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