
Her Uninvited Cheating Father Showed Up With His New Family At Her Sister’s Wedding After Abandoning Them, So She Refused To Let Them All In

micromonkey- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Someone Always Causes Issues At A Wedding

Monkey Business- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

I don’t think it’s possible to have a wedding without some major incident or family drama going down…correct me if I’m wrong.

This Woman’s Sister Got Married, And There Definitely Was Drama

Chanakon- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman says her uninvited cheating father showed up with his new family at her sister’s wedding after abandoning them, so she refused to let them all in.

Her Dad Left Their Family When She And Her Sister Were Teens

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She explained that her dad ended up leaving their family after he met his now-wife when she was 13-years-old and her sister was 17-years-old.

He Left To Be With Another Woman After Cheating On Their Mom

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

He left them all so that he could be with this other woman, and he packed up to move in with her 2 hours away from them.

She Didn’t See Her Dad Much After That

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She feels he literally walked out on their family, and she ended up only seeing him every other weekend for the rest of her childhood.

She Felt Her Dad Abandoned Her

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She felt abandoned, and she suffered from bullying and slipping grades as she grew up. She wishes she could have been there more for her, but he wasn’t.

She Doesn’t Blame Parents For Getting Divorced For Certain Reasons

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS- purposes only, not the actual people

“I’m not blaming parents who get divorced. People get divorced for legitimate reasons. (Abuse, miserable marriage, getting cheated on, etc.),” she said.

But Her Dad Cheated And Walked Away

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“He left because he was cheating. He could have fought for 50% custody, but he didn’t because it was too inconvenient.”

She Felt Unstable After Her Dad Left

Drazen- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I also hated those visitations. I needed stability during that time, and I felt really unsafe and insecure. We had to move out of the house where I lived my whole life.”

Then Her Dad Stopped Coming To See Her

Jacob Lund- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When she was 16, her dad stopped coming at all. She did not feel comfortable going to his house because she absolutely hated seeing him with his new wife.

Her Sister Also Couldn’t Find It In Her Heart To Forgive Their Dad

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Her sister never forgave him, and she did not see him after running into him in court 12 years ago.

When Her Sister Got Married, She Did All The Planning

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Anyway, her sister tied the knot not too long ago, and she was put in charge of the entire wedding. The entire thing was huge since her brother-in-law is from a very prominent family.

Her Dad Shockingly Showed Up Without An Invitation

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The shocking part of this is that her dad just showed up to the wedding without telling anyone and with his wife and 3 young children with him.

She Tried To Handle Her Dad Before Anyone Found Out

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When she found out he was standing outside, she ran all the way to the front door, trying to deal quietly with everything before their family and her sister knew what was going on.

She Was Worried Her Sister’s Wedding Would Be Ruined

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She was concerned this was going to ruin her sister’s special day and cause her mom to be upset in the process.

Her Sister’s Former Best Friend Secretly Invited Her Dad

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“It turned out that my sister’s former best friend/stepcousin ‘Dorothy’ contacted our father and gave him a fake story about how my sister really wanted him back in her life and that the only reason she didn’t send him an official invite was because of our mother,” she revealed.

And Told Him A Crazy, Fake Story purposes only, not the actual person

Dorothy apparently told their dad that her sister failed to tell him herself because their mom watches her emails and phone calls.

Her Dad Believed The Whole Story purposes only, not the actual person

This is obviously the craziest fake story, but her dad bought it, and Dorothy said she was told by her sister to send the invite to him.

She Had To Tell Her Dad It Was All A Lie

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To say this entire thing was awkward was an understatement. She told her dad that Dorothy got into a blow-out fight with his sister a month before the wedding, and her sister cut all contact with Dorothy over it.

Her Dad Realized He Was A Pawn To Ruin Her Sister’s Special Day

Monkey Business- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“It finally dawned on him that he was used as a pawn to ruin my sister’s wedding,” she continued.

It Broke Her Dad’s Heart To Hear The Truth

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Her dad clearly was “heartbroken” over hearing the truth, and he asked if he could watch the ceremony from the farthest spot possible at the venue so he could at least see.

She Told Her Dad To Quickly Leave

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She replied that she could not let him do that, and she told him he needed to leave before their family saw him there.

Her Dad’s Wife Was Furious, And One Of His Kids Started Sobbing

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Meanwhile, his wife was angry, and the oldest of the 3 children began crying right there on the spot.

She Had To Involve The Hotel’s Security

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She had no choice but to get security from the hotel involved in seeing them out of there as soon as possible.

She Felt She Had To Do Anything To Make Sure Her Sister Had A Special Wedding

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While she did feel badly in the end, she felt she had to do anything possible to make sure her sister’s day was not spoiled for her.

When Her Sister Returned From Her Honeymoon, She Told Her About Their Dad

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Eventually, after her sister came home from her honeymoon, she confided in her about her dad showing up with his family in tow.

Her Sister Agrees With What She Did

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Her sister agrees she handled things correctly and should not have let them in that day.

Her Dad Traveled From A Different Country To Attend The Wedding

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“I just feel icky because they had traveled all the way from another country and showed up to the venue all dressed up,” she concluded.

What Would You Have Done?

micromonkey- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

How would you deal with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.