
Her Teen Friends Lied About Being Pregnant As A Joke, So She Called Them Disgusting

Halfpoint - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This young woman has two close friends – a 17-year-old guy named Chase and an 18-year-old girl named Ellie.

Chase and Ellie have been dating for about a year now, and just a few weeks ago, Chase came to her with some shocking news. He claimed that his girlfriend was 13 weeks pregnant and planned to keep their baby.

“I was happy for them immediately,” she recalled.

Then, she even started trying to help the couple out. She began giving Ellie resources for information and advice on being a young mother. In general, she was also just showing her support, and both Chase and Ellie seemed “eternally grateful.”

Yet, just yesterday, the whole situation came tumbling down when she found out the entire thing was just a big lie.

“Today, Chase told me that Ellie wasn’t actually pregnant, and it was a funny joke they decided to play,” she revealed.

She wasn’t the only person they decided to play this “joke” on, either. Rather, another one of Chase and Ellie’s friends got lied to – and was particularly hurt by it. Apparently, that friend found out about the “pregnancy hoax” a month ago. Then, they were asked not to tell her the truth because Chase and Ellie claimed they weren’t ready to come clean yet.

Upon finding out the truth, she was understandably furious and immediately texted Ellie – asking why they would ever decide to do such a thing.

“And Ellie said she thought it would be fun to see what everyone’s reaction would be to her being pregnant,” she explained.

Halfpoint – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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