
Her Stepsister’s Furious With Her For Getting Married First And Expects Her To Move Her Wedding Date Back

Her dad is also giving her money for her wedding, and Wren has given him a mountain of grief over this.

Wren has accused her dad of trying to assist in embarrassing her as well. Wren also has mutual friends with her fiancé, and Wren has tried to stir them all up, too.

Many friends are declining to get roped into this mess, but she can’t help but feel humiliated over Wren dragging everyone into the chaos.

Her mom and dad have since suggested she move her wedding date to after Wren’s, as Wren wants.

They have hinted at a winter wedding being more suitable; that way, their loved ones can attend both weddings on peaceful terms.

“My stepbrother has also said that while he knows I didn’t do it on purpose, because of past issues, this will be extremely hard for Wren to get past,” she added.

“He also said I was naive for thinking that just because my wedding is different from hers that she would let it go. He may be right about that. I still don’t really want to change the date of the wedding.”

“I don’t think doing it in the winter will appease Wren, and to have to wait over a year just because of her childish vendetta seems grossly unfair. But I don’t like being the one to rock the boat, and I do sometimes feel a bit sorry for Wren. Maybe this isn’t the time to take a stand. I really don’t know if I’m in the wrong here.”

Do you think she should move her wedding date to make her stepsister happy?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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