
Her Stepmom’s Lying About Her Late Dad’s Will, So She Wants To Take What’s Hers To Inherit

bernardbodo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Quite sadly, this 29-year-old woman recently lost her dad to a terminal brain tumor. Back when her dad received the grim diagnosis, doctors estimated he had six months to a year to live.

Every day afterward, she says they lost a piece of her dad, and they grieved his death before he passed away.

Her dad lived in another country with her stepmom, Jenny, and her two teen sisters. Her 27-year-old brother flew out to see their dad as much as possible, and she worked overtime at her job to get the money together to pay for a wedding her dad could attend while he was still relatively well.

Four weeks before her wedding, her dad was told he could no longer fly, so her fiancé offered to drive thousands of miles to go get her dad, but he was too sick to come.

Her 27-year-old brother filmed her wedding, and she flew out to see her dad with a tape to show him.

“We flew out for his funeral and many times after to see Jenny and our sisters,” she explained. “We’d never got on with Jenny, but his cancer brought us together to realize what was important (or so I thought).”

Jenny entered their lives when she was 10, and Jenny was never nice. Jenny was outright mean to her brother and never missed the ability to trash their mom.

She defended her brother, but her dad stayed out of it since he never liked to get into arguments. After she was able to leave home, she still couldn’t bring herself to like Jenny.

When she met her husband and brought him to visit her dad and Jenny, Jenny spent two hours informing her husband of how terrible she was.

bernardbodo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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