
Her Son’s Girlfriend Called Her Up Sobbing, Since She’s Afraid He’s Going To Propose To Her

The issue is that Beulah isn’t interested in getting engaged to Jake until they start communicating in a better way.

Beulah told her over the phone that as soon as she moved in with Jake, he grew impatient and moody with her.

Jake also has been experiencing frequent panic attacks and isn’t willing to discuss issues they have in their relationship.

At first, Jake maintained his mood change was stemming from stress from his new job, and he promised to go to therapy.

That never happened, and Jake informed Beulah that being disabled makes his life more difficult than she can ever comprehend.

Whenever Beulah attempts to bring up serious topics, Jake melts down and refuses to talk things through.

“She said she loves him and doesn’t want to break up with him, but she can’t agree to marry him unless he changes, and she can’t tell him this for obvious reasons,” she said.

“I wasn’t too surprised to hear that Jake’s anxiety could get overwhelming sometimes. He has a tendency to get really wound up over small things and will often call me panicking over something that I wouldn’t consider “a big deal.” His sister also has bad anxiety and has been on meds for a while, and we had Jake in therapy for nearly a decade after the accident, but he never agreed to meds.”

“HOWEVER, even though I wasn’t surprised about that part, I was shocked to hear about the way he was apparently behaving. Beulah usually sounds so upbeat, and here she was, sounding so sad and exhausted.”

She ended her phone call with Beulah by saying she needs a bit of time to mull over what she said before providing her with advice.

She promised to call Beulah back, so now she’s left thinking about how she can help Beulah in a productive way.

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