
Her Son’s Girlfriend Called Her Up Sobbing, Since She’s Afraid He’s Going To Propose To Her

shevtsovy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 58-year-old woman has always been incredibly close to her 30-year-old son, Jake. She has three children and Jake is her baby.

Back when Jake was only 10, they were driving in the car when a drunk driver ran a light and hit them.

Ever since the accident, Jake was left physically disabled, and he will be wheelchair-bound for the remainder of his life.

“We did our best to give him a “normal” and happy childhood as much as possible and are very proud of how much he’s achieved,” she explained.

“In fact, while both his brother and sister still live in town, he was the one who was adventurous enough to move to a bigger city about three hours away for a job after college. This is where he met his girlfriend, Beulah, four years ago.”

“Jake only had one serious girlfriend before (in college, where they both lived in the dorms). Two years ago, he and Beulah decided to move in together. I was overjoyed for him but also made sure to check in with Beulah several times about whether it was going okay since this was his first time living with a girlfriend.”

Beulah constantly told her everything was going well. Beulah has since become like another daughter to her, and she was excited that Beulah appeared to unconditionally love Jake.

Whenever she visited the couple, they came across as super happy, and her whole family picked up on this.

Earlier today, Beulah unexpectedly called her up sobbing, asking for advice. Beulah believes Jake will want to propose to her soon, as they previously spoke about getting engaged after living together for two years, and they’re quickly getting to that milestone.

shevtsovy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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