
Her Sister’s Demanding That She Dye Her Hair From Lilac To Brunette In Order To Be A Bridesmaid In Her Wedding

Aleksei Zakharov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Aleksei Zakharov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In the near future, this 33-year-old woman’s 28-year-old sister is tying the knot. She recently traveled out of town to help her sister shop for a wedding dress, which was a success.

Later on, she and her sister grabbed drinks to celebrate saying yes to the dress and while they were chatting, her sister brought up her lilac-colored hair.

Now, she frequently gets compliments her on her unique hair color when she’s out and about, and she thinks her sister was already annoyed that people were remarking about it while shopping for her dress.

Her sister then said she wants her to be a bridesmaid, but she needs her to dye her hair brunette in order to be allowed into the bridal party.

“My response was I worked really hard to achieve this color as it’s been my dream hair color for a very long time, and that I’m not dyeing it for one day, that it won’t hurt my feelings to not stand up there with her and her million friends,” she explained.

“Especially considering I’m making her wedding cake and was already planning on finishing the decorations the day of her wedding. I told her I’d have to scramble to finish her cake and get in for hair and makeup and that I’m happy just sitting it out and making sure her cake is perfect.”

Her sister snarled at her that since they’re sisters, she needs to be up there with her for her wedding day and that it’s not a big deal for her to dye her hair the color she wants it.

Her sister added that she loves the color of her hair, but she’s concerned that the spotlight will be on that instead of her.

She kindly reminded her sister that she’s not going to change her mind, but her sister thinks they have a year to keep talking about this.

Aleksei Zakharov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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