
Her Sister Expects Her To Babysit For Free Every Single Day Because She’s A Stay-At-Home Mom, And Her Sister Thinks She Doesn’t Do Anything

amornchaijj - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 30-year-old woman has two young children and is currently a stay-at-home mom. Meanwhile, her sister, who is 28, has three kids and works a full-time job.

So, her sister recently asked her for some childcare help. More specifically, she was asked if she could babysit her sister’s three kids every single day after school until her sister arrived home from work.

Now, to be clear, she had no qualms about lending her sister a hand.

“I told her I’d be happy to help,” she recalled.

However, she also said that she would need to be compensated for the childcare. After all, taking on three more kids in addition to her own two children would significantly change her daily responsibilities.

Well, rather than understanding that, her sister actually exploded on her.

“Saying that since I ‘don’t work’ and ‘just stay home all day,’ I shouldn’t need to be paid for it,” she revealed.

Her sister’s remarks left her shell-shocked, too, because she believes that staying home and caring for two children is practically a full-time job in and of itself.

“And adding three more kids to the mix is no small task,” she added.

amornchaijj – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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