
Her Pregnant Sister’s Due On Her Wedding, But She’s Getting Called Selfish For Not Wanting To Postpone Her Big Day

Olga Pulchina - - illustrative purposes only
Olga Pulchina - - illustrative purposes only

This woman is currently engaged and has been eagerly planning her big day with her fiancé. But her pregnant sister just hit her with some shocking news. Apparently, her sister’s due date will actually be on her wedding day.

So, her sister ultimately asked her to postpone the event; that way, her sister could attend. Quite frankly, though, she doesn’t think that’s a reasonable request.

“I’ve been planning this for over a year, and everything is set,” she explained.

“I feel like it’s unfair to ask me to change everything [at the] last minute.”

To be clear, her family had no idea that her sister was pregnant back when she picked out and set her wedding date.

“And I get that childbirth is a big deal, but so is my wedding,” she said.

However, her parents have since found out about the date conflict and are actually taking her sister’s side. According to them, family should come first.

Still, changing all of her wedding plans would obviously be a really difficult task. She doesn’t want to have to reorganize everything and risk losing all of her deposits.

“Not to mention the hassle of rescheduling vendors and guests,” she added.

Olga Pulchina – – illustrative purposes only

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