
Her Mom Kept It Hidden For 34 Years That She’s An Affair Baby

She hates being confrontational and was concerned that bringing up her biological father again could somehow ruin her relationship with her mom, which is why she sought professional guidance.

Several days ago, she bravely confronted her mom, who revealed that the real reason her biological father wanted nothing to do with them was that he was married.

So, her mom had kept it hidden from her for the majority of her life that she was the product of an affair.

Her mom gave her the name of her biological father, and as soon as she got back home that evening, she rushed to do an internet search.

She found her dad online, and she felt enthralled as she looked through all of his photos and posts. Not only is he married, but he has a minimum of four daughters. Three of her half-sisters are older than she is, and one is exactly her age.

“I honestly don’t know what to do,” she said. “I am curious to talk to the man and see if he will answer my questions, but I do not know how to approach him.”

“I don’t want to make a mess in anyone’s life, but I think I deserve to be heard. this makes me feel like the hidden child, and I think I deserve at least a conversation.”

“I do not want to hurt my mom in any way because she kept this hidden for 34 years, but I know that is my right to know where I came from.”

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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