
Her Mom Kept It Hidden For 34 Years That She’s An Affair Baby

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Growing up, this 34-year-old woman was the only child of a single mom. Her mom raised her all alone and never once brought up her biological father, who clearly wasn’t a part of their lives.

When she was six, her mom got married, but her mom’s husband only stuck around for seven years.

He was a terrible father figure who cheated on her mom multiple times and had a problem with alcohol.

“I did ask my mom a couple of times when I was younger about my biological father, but she only told me that it was a friend of hers who was not ready to be a father, and that is why he was not with us,” she explained.

Her mom never provided her with more information than that, so she went nearly her whole life not knowing his name or anything about him.

For some time, she gave up asking about her biological father, and then she told herself she shouldn’t be interested in a man who didn’t care to know her, his child. She also rationalized that she didn’t need him to be in her life.

She is currently married and has two sons. After one of her sons was diagnosed with Autism, it made her think a lot about her biological father and his side of the family.

She began to feel anxiety over the fact that she could have genetic problems that could influence her children.

She started seeing a therapist to help her work through confronting her mom about her biological father.

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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