
Her Husband’s Coworker Tattled On Her For Not Wearing Her Wedding Rings, And Her Husband Was Furious

She noticed the woman was analyzing her, making shady remarks about her gym clothes and looking at her ring-less fingers.

Afterward, they parted ways, and she thought nothing more of the interaction. Then, things went downhill when her husband returned home from work later that day. He walked through the door very angrily and confronted her.

“He demanded to know why I was ‘pretending to be single at the gym’ in tiny clothes,” she recalled.

“I was like, ‘First of all, I wasn’t. Second of all, how did you know?’ Of course, he tells me this woman told him all about it.”

She laughed at her husband because she thought the situation was ridiculous. She told him how she had her rings cleaned that day and that if his colleague had paid closer attention, she’d notice she was by herself and minding her business on her day off, not fooling around and pretending not to be married.

While her husband calmed down a bit, he told her he was embarrassed to know his wife was walking around without her wedding rings. When she told him he was being dramatic, he called her a mean name.

How would you react if your husband accused you of something like that?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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