
Her Husband Unexpectedly Passed Away, And She Wants To Get All The Profit From Selling Their Home Without Giving Any Money To Their Kids

annanahabed - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 50-year-old woman was younger, she lived out a common, romantic dream – she married her high school sweetheart. Then, she and her late husband had two children together, who are now adults.

“We were together for 30 years when he unexpectedly passed away,” she said.

Prior to his passing, her husband had also been the primary breadwinner. She, on the other hand, could only work jobs that offered shifts during her kids’ school hours so she could always be there to care for them.

Due to this, when she and her husband bought their home, she had no credit history, as everything had always been put in her husband’s name. That’s why, upon buying their house, the property also went under his name only.

“With the intention of adding me at a later date,” she clarified, “But life happened, and that did not happen.”

While her adult children still lived at home, she claimed that they never paid her any rent, either. Her daughter, now 27, and her son-in-law lived at her home when they were younger and didn’t pay any rent. They wound up moving out at the age of 21.

As for her son, who is 30, he’s actually never lived away from home.

“And he does not work most of the time. But still has not paid rent, food, phone, and utilities, even since my husband passed,” she explained.

Yet, she recently found out that her daughter began the probate process at her home two years after her husband passed away without telling her. This has left her forced to put her house on the real estate market.

annanahabed – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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