
Her Husband Regrets Marrying Her Since She’s Not As Physically Active As He Is

fotofabrika - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman admits that for the entire time she has been with her 34-year-old husband, her physical activity has been an issue.

Her husband is extremely active and loves hiking, biking, and walking. When she first met her husband, she was active and fit but didn’t share the same hobbies as him. She was always more into dancing and yoga.

During the pandemic, they tied the knot, and she quickly became pregnant. After having her baby, she knows she has become less active and pretty much just runs around after their toddler.

“I’ve done the odd dance workshop but am definitely not doing any regular scheduled exercise each week,” she explained.

“I am of average weight (BMI in normal range) and am net 8 pounds heavier than I was when my husband and I met.”

“In the 4 years we’ve been married, besides pregnancy and postpartum, I’ve also had another minor abdominal surgery.”

Every couple of months, like clockwork, she and her husband discuss how he feels upset about her no longer being as physically active as she used to be in the past.

Her husband also mentions wanting her to do things with him, like go hiking together. She has never been into hiking, and her husband hasn’t done much of it since they got married.

Several weeks ago, they had this same exact conversation about her physical activity, and her husband admitted that if he knew she would be like this following four years of marriage, he wouldn’t have ever gotten married to her.

fotofabrika – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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