
Her Husband Lied To Her About Having A Master’s Degree, And She’s Been Crying Nonstop Since She Found Out

“He said he completed all the classes, but his thesis was rejected. This feels really gut-wrenching to me. I hate being lied to.”

“Unfortunately, my husband did have a pattern of telling small lies (usually to make himself appear better), which did bother me initially, but I let them go because they seemed overall inconsequential, plus he seemed to be improving lately in this regard.”

“But this is really hurting me. Why is it that lying about your credentials at work is considered fraud but it’s okay to do to your spouse? Just for context, I am a physician MD and yes, I guess I do really value education. I don’t know what to do.”

She has been crying nonstop since she found out about her husband’s lie, as it’s a big deal to her and not something she can easily get over.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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