
Her Husband Lied To Her About Having A Master’s Degree, And She’s Been Crying Nonstop Since She Found Out

moodboard - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For this 34-year-old woman, higher education is extremely important to her and one of the qualities she liked about her 33-year-old husband.

They met four years ago and have been married for two and a half years. Her husband always told her that he had a master’s degree, and to be honest, that was one of the reasons why she picked her husband in the first place.

She is a physician, and so she always wanted a partner who valued going above and beyond a four-year degree.

Yesterday, her husband was letting her see a presentation he needs to deliver at work, and she noticed that he only put a BA after his name.

She questioned her husband about why he didn’t put MA, too, and he replied that he forgot to do that.

She found that strange, so she went on LinkedIn to investigate, and sure enough, her husband only put down that he has a bachelor’s.

She never caught that before, but she has caught her husband telling white lies over the years. She then went back to her husband after checking out his profile and asking once again if he truly has his master’s.

He reassured her that he does have that degree, so she demanded to see a photo of the document proving it.

“He went into this room for a little while, and then after I gently asked him a second time, he meekly admitted that he never got the degree,” she explained.

moodboard – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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