
She Spent Close To Six Figures On Her Doctorate, But Her Husband Isn’t Interested In Moving So She Can Have Better Job Opportunities

“Well, as you can guess, it’s now that time, and he said moving is now an option for us,” she continued.

“He said with his job, our low-interest mortgage rate, and the kids, we cannot move. There are 0 jobs in my field anywhere near us.”

“I have applied to the closest available jobs, and they are 3+ hours away. I have also applied to telehealth jobs, and all of them have said I need at least 3 years of in-person experience before It will be an option to work from home.”

In her state, nurse practitioners are not permitted to have their own practices, so that’s not something she can pursue.

She’s left with $91,000 in student loan debt, so she’s feeling confused about what her next steps should be.

What advice do you have for her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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