
Her Friend Wants Her To Wear Her White Wedding Dress From Her First Marriage To Her Second Wedding To Save Costs

georgerudy - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Later on in the year, this 32-year-old woman’s 32-year-old friend from college is having her wedding.

When her friend sent out save the dates, it didn’t indicate where the location of the wedding would be.

When she received the official wedding invitation three weeks ago, she was shocked to learn her friend’s wedding is actually a destination wedding.

She was further surprised to learn that it would cost her and her husband more than $4,000 to attend the wedding.

“My husband and I can’t afford to spend that much money without going into credit card debt,” she explained.

“So last week, I told my friend on the phone that we couldn’t attend but conveyed our best wishes and said that we would send them a wedding gift off the registry.”

“She asked me why we couldn’t come and I said that it wasn’t in our budget, mentioning the costs of plane tickets, the resort (3 nights), and wedding outfits.”

Her friend generously offered to loan her a dress to wear for the wedding so she could save some money.

She replied to her friend that it was sweet of her, but the fees for the plane tickets and resort stay were the biggest concerns financially.

georgerudy – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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