
Her Ex-Husband Is Treating Her Horribly For Getting Engaged So Quickly After They Got Divorced, But She Felt Like Their Marriage Was Over For Years

Ruben - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have people ever gotten angry or judged you because you moved on and entered a new relationship not long after ending an old one?

One woman is being treated terribly by her ex-husband since she entered a new relationship fairly quickly after they broke up.

She and her ex-husband got married 11 years ago. For a while, she was told she wouldn’t be able to have children, but then became pregnant when she was 39.

Unfortunately, after giving birth to their daughter, her relationship changed in a bad way, and her ex-husband admitted to not being attracted to her anymore after giving birth.

“I tried again and again to revive our relationship, but he would never explain what the matter was,” she explained.

“I lost all my baby weight quickly, and I tried to rekindle what we once had, but he never seemed invested in a marriage. He never cheated, but he also remained emotionally distant.”

After years of misery in her marriage, she and her ex-husband finally decided to end things. Their split was up in the air for a while, as it took over a year for their divorce to become official. They lived together briefly after their break up, and her ex slept on the couch.

During that time, she met a man she really liked. Dating while still in the process of divorcing her ex didn’t feel very strange to her, considering she felt emotionally disconnected and out of love with her husband for years.

Now, she’s engaged to that man, and her ex-husband is not happy about it. Since she met her fiancé, her ex-husband has been giving her a lot of grief.

Ruben – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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