
Her Boyfriend Wore Makeup And A Dress Out In Public This Weekend, And She Feels Uncomfortable With His New Way Of Expressing Himself

agcreativelab - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Over the last decade, this 30-year-old woman has been dating her 37-year-old boyfriend. About four years ago, her boyfriend confessed to her that he wanted to be able to express his feminine side more.

It all began with little things, such as her boyfriend putting on a lip color or eyeshadow. She wasn’t into this at all, but she managed to accept that her boyfriend wanted to try out something new.

She did her best to support his exploratory phase, and it proved to be pretty short-lived. He also didn’t wake up every day trying makeup, so she was able to be more open about it.

She also told herself her boyfriend wasn’t hurting anyone with his new means of expression. Now, she admits she is only attracted to masculine presentation and features. She doesn’t think feminine men are attractive in the least.

But then things went beyond just the makeup.

“My boyfriend revealed to me 2 years ago that he sometimes tries on my tights and skirts when I’m not home,” she explained.

“To be honest, the thought of this really weirded me out, and I didn’t understand it, but I didn’t say anything because I liked that he felt comfortable telling me, and I didn’t ever see him in it.”

Lately, her boyfriend has increasingly started being more feminine and ended up buying a ton of women’s clothing.

After the clothing purchases, she really struggled to support her boyfriend. As a way to try to be more helpful, she gave him some advice on what outfits he looked best in.

agcreativelab – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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