
Her Boyfriend Secretly Sent A Letter To His Ex Looking For Closure

“That itself was a relief. What I was NOT okay with was the fact that he didn’t tell me about it and there is no way to prove that he even planned to tell me. He compared our relationship to the one he had with her and talked about how badly he treated her and how sorry he was.”

“He also said that he’s learning from his relationship with me and learning to be a better person and better partner and that he wished she was doing well.”

The letter also stated Alex had recorded fights with his ex in an effort to make her look like the bad one in their relationship.

Alex’s ex said it made her uneasy that Alex did that, and Alex stated in the letter he knew it was wrong of him. The letter proved that the relationship Alex had with his ex was extremely toxic from both sides.

Alex did mention in his letter how long he’s been in a new relationship with her, so she can tell he wrote the letter very recently.

Now, the letter itself isn’t what bothers her. She’s upset that Alex never told her about it. She also finds it concerning that Alex is indeed stalking his ex across various socials, as his ex sent screenshots of this.

She hasn’t yet had the opportunity to talk to Alex about the letter since he’s on vacation with his family in another country, and she won’t see him until the end of the week.

“I know this changes the level of trust I have for him and whether this is something I believe we can look past, but I want to hear what others think about this,” she said.

“My main question is, what would you do in this situation and why? I feel as though I am underreacting here.”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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