
Her Boyfriend Secretly Sent A Letter To His Ex Looking For Closure

bernardbodo - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

For half a year now, this 25-year-old woman has been dating her 27-year-old boyfriend Alex. They have experienced highs and lows together, which mainly have stemmed from Alex’s clinginess.

They have argued a lot about Alex’s insecurities, which put a strain on their relationship, but she figured they were on the path of rebuilding.

While she was on social media recently, she received a follow request from Alex’s ex-girlfriend, whom he dated three years ago.

Initially, she didn’t know what to make of the request. Alex has told her his relationship with his ex was poisonous, and that’s why he left this girl.

She was about to ignore the request when she saw that Alex’s ex attached a message, and her curiosity got the best of her.

She opened up the message to find that Alex’s ex was accusing Alex of stalking her across several social media platforms before revealing Alex sent her a letter for closure.

She instantly became upset and asked Alex’s ex for proof that the closure letter existed. Alex’s ex sent her a copy of the letter, and she read it.

The letter was extremely personal and quite lengthy. She could tell the letter wasn’t exactly all about closure for Alex.

“The contents are not him pining over her, reminiscing about their relationship, or even trying to get back or reconnect with her,” she explained.

bernardbodo – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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